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Image by Noah Buscher

The Project's Mission


To make a change, The Green Space Project aims to follow three main goals; advocation, education, and engagement. Read below the project's mission and how it works to contribute to climate action.

The Problem


The lack of funding opportunities, staff & student interest and essential skills in developing & maintaining green spaces result in these spaces being non-existent within schools that are part of the PDSB.

The Solution


The Green Space Project will help schools through educational workshops, accessible toolkits and opportunities for funding/grants to develop, implement and maintain their own green spaces. 

The Three Main Goals of The Green Space Project



The Green Space Project advocates the benefits and advantages of green spaces through case studies and testimonials from schools that have completed these projects with great success.

Image by NeONBRAND


The workshops and toolkits produced by the project are designed to educate students and staff members in various areas such as basics on climate science, writing grants, project planning and leadership/collaborative skills.

Image by Markus Spiske


After developing and implementing the desired green space(s), they are ready to be used and maintained for the long term. Whether it's used for hangout areas, integrated with in-class learning, or improving the school, all that hard work will pay off!

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